CardoMom was created by a mother daughter duo who love decorated cards for special occasions. My mother in the past had always enjoyed collecting expensive, fancy cards, but they were not a practical and inexpensive hobby to have. So, she began to make her own cards and found enjoyment and replicating the designs she saw in stores. Card making was a great way for my mother to indulge in her creative side and enrich her free time with making something from scratch for others. One problem arose though; who was she suppose to give these influx of cards to? I came to her with an idea for a project to create a website for her cards so we could spread her creative vision and engage with others who also find enjoyment in fun, decorational cards. And let's be honest, we just want to be apart of your occasions, too!
For my final project in Internet Studio I, I decided to make a website for my mom that involved her card-making hobby and turned it into a commerical website. Decorational cards do have some traction online but are a pretty small community and I would also be solving a lot of issues for my mother. While the website isn't completely functional as a commerical website (the business side for pricing/marketing, the catalog is sample sized, and some functions do not work because they require actual coding), it is designed to look like one. The name CardoMom is a play-on-words I thought of, meaning Card Of Mom. The color scheme is based off of my mother's favorite color, purple. While the icons for social media do not go anywhere at the footer of the page, they do go to the official sites for each social media. The catalog search engine does not function, but is physically made. The pictures in the catalog can be pressed on to take you to another page to view more details and pricing for the product. Writing your distinct message and submitting it to your cart does not function, but is present. The choices for the DIY section are present, but do not function. The Your Cart section does not function, but is present. I faced a lot of minor issues with this site and designing it was a huge challenge, but I'm satisfied with the result.