For my semester project, the information I have is that I'm aware of how I would create the website. I know what kinds of seasonal cards are used throughout the year and I know the competitors. I know that there are websites that are similar in the kind of website I would like to make for the cards but overall it would be something unique because they are handmade. I would need information on popularity counts of seasonal cards and how to design the site to make it interesting to the eye.
I think my idea of seasonal cards fits the idea of the semester project. It's a unique idea for a website that filfills a need for a unique audience that likes and celebrates using seasonal cards. It's also fun because my mom has been wanting to make a website for her cards so they would be easily accessible.
I think it's very similar to the style of Etsy, where that's a site used for selling DIYs but I'm specifically focusing on handmade cards. I also think the idea of selling something might be a bit overdone and will not really stand out as a semester project. The idea of seasonal cards is also a very niche interest and I'm not sure if its a good idea in general.
This might work because its a great way to advertise my mom's seasonal handmade cards. I think the fact that its homemade for cheap prices could be a huge factor in the success but also its a unique idea that has a lot of creativity involved. People who want great looking cards for cheap and can even customize their own would be a great way to celebrate a holiday or accomplishment.
There are tons of ways that this website could go in. There's so many holidays and design styles and preferences to think about in creating cards that makes each perfect for someone. I think a different approach all together is to just make all of the cards customizable instead of having both custom and pre-made cards so that everyone has a choice in what they want to make.
My mom has already created many cards to have as examples on the website and to advertise. We have a lot of different styles of types to choose from to flesh out the site to a semester projects standards. Next, we should worry about the design of the website and perhaps even developing a custom built section with all the necessary materials available so people know what to expect or what to choose from.
I think the red hat matches my style the best. Originally I thought it would have been the green hat, but I think I feel more strongly for this project specifically because I feel like its important to my mom and this is something to help her out and achieve her goals.
Speaking to my mom on the topic, she's let me know that she is willing to use her cards for this project. She likes the basic plan for the website and thinks that it correctly shows all the types of holidays she can do and the custom section is a great idea. We would probably need a section for specific costs and BOGO deals.
My mom is pretty excited about this since this has been a goal of hers to put her creative venture somewhere for accessibility. She feels like this is a good idea to get her hobby out there and she thinks its a creative idea for the semester project.
She is a little concerned about competition and also feels like it might be copying other DIY sites. Card making is a pretty niche section of the DIY space but still she wonders if that's all the site can be used for. She was wondering if we could add other projects to the site to make it more attractive to all types of people.
Holidays are always passing and coming and there are plenty throughout the year to keep the site in business and affordable. My mom has stated that cards are commonly used among her family, friends, and coworkers so she thinks a card making site is totally fine.
As said before, she wonders if its possible to add her other creative projects into this site rather than just focusing on her card making hobby. She enjoys building things and plants and is suggesting that we make it a bit more open in terms of what is being sold than just cards.
She continues to make cards to this day and enjoys the process. She has volunteers some of her cards as an example for the site and plans on making more. Next, we should focus on the design of the website and how everythin show me planned out before we start making it.
My mom did bring up an interesting point about not just selling cards but trying to sell other creative projects she does. While it is a good idea, I'm not sure if it'll make it to the final design because she has more card examples than the other projects she embarks on.